For executives and organizations that are looking for accelerated results and personalized support to create a more collaborative and effective work culture that is anchored in personal agency.

Executive Coaching


Being an executive amidst accelerating change comes with additional pressure to perform despite the inevitable constraints that arise in a highly disrupted environment. We help you unleash excellence in your team and re-energize your organization during all seasons of business, no matter how turbulent.

Our customized executive coaching solutions help leaders look at themselves and their challenges through a new lens so they can create the most aligned, strategic actions to move themselves, their teams, and their organizations forward.

Executive Coaching engagements are a minimum of 9-12 months in length. No silver bullets. Sustainable behavioral change takes time and we won’t take on an assignment that pushes for deep results in less than 9 months. Reach out to us directly to get started.


“Lee Ann was my coach during a key transformational period in my career and life. I can’t emphasize enough how powerful her coaching was - with her partnership, I created a more authentic, creative and brilliant future… I now strive everyday to have more head-heart alignment, when I was previously 100% in my head. You can expect to feel deeply listened to, have your thinking reflected back to you with laser focus and accuracy, and be challenged to ‘up’ your inner and outer game with specific action. Lee Ann is a force, and a gift. ”

— Erica L., People & Culture Transformation Leader

Leadership Team Development

When a business unit is seeking to unleash excellence and growth, often senior executives turn to the visible systems like strategy, structure and processes first to affect change. The hope is that these moves will change people’s focus and release positive impact.

The truth, however, is while these levers are necessary to drive strategic alignment, they are never sufficient by themselves. It is our experience that it is the invisible systems and energy like people’s beliefs and emotions that hold the true power to unleash change and results.

We incorporate the 1% rule popularized by James Clear to affect major organizational shifts starting with small steps. The idea is that tiny steps can make big gains over time: When we intentionally and consistently engage in a way of thinking and acting again and again, for the purpose of improving, seeking to get just 1% better every day for one year, we will end up 37 times better by the end of the year.

A quick overview of our leadership team development process.


We start by assessing how the unique combination of visible systems and invisible systems have produced results for you thus far.


In a highly collaborative and flexible manner, we collaborate with you to design more than just an offsite or intervention. We create a leadership learning journey and forums for rich dialogue, experience and deeply human leadership practices.


We measure the success of our development experiences by the transformation in tone, focus, and conversations that are now centered around personal agency to create a successful future at your organization.


Get your team involved to
expedite results at scale

“If you are looking for someone to help you break down your hurdles to achieve greater heights, Lee Ann will exceed your needs. Her success in helping leaders excel is matched by her optimistic and warm aura. You will not be disappointed!”

— Richard Safeer MD, FACPM, FAAFP, FACLM, Chief Medical Director, Employee Health and Well-being at John Hopkins Medicine

Don’t forget... you can fully customize your experience by combining both courses and coaching in order to expedite results.